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Golf Cigar 101

A perfect day on the golf course might include the pleasure of a few good cigars. Don’t waste your expensive cigars with cheap cutters and weak lighters. Improve your cigar game by learning the proper way to cut and light a cigar.

Before hitting the golf course, make sure your cigars are properly stored and kept at a humidity between 68 and 72 degrees. Using a jar humidor and a humidity pack is a low maintenance way to maintain the proper humidity and leads to an enjoyable smoke. Place your cigars in a herf-a-dor travel humidor when heading to the golf course.

The next steps are critical to enjoy your cigars while playing golf. If you don’t get a good cut, your cigar will tear and come apart, leaving you with a mouthful of tobacco and an unpleasant experience. A normally smooth cigar will taste harsh and leave you disappointed. A good quality V-Cutter will guarantee a consistent cut and good draw and feeling in your mouth.

Lighting a cigar like a cigarette is another common mistake made by newer cigar smokers. It might not be obvious, especially if you only partake in cigars a few times of year while playing golf. Using a quality torch lighter, with 1-4 torches and toasting your cigar are necessary for an enjoyable experience.

Slowly hold the torch lighter a few inches from the end of the cigar until it glows orange. Then simply smoke the cigar while trying to maintain a long ash for maximum flavor.

Use your Cigar Ball to rest your ash while playing golf. A proper V-Cutter and Torch Lighter together with your Cigar Balls will improve your cigar game on the golf course.

Golf Cigar Starter Kit

Get everything you need to store and enjoy your cigars on the golf course. The Golf Cigar Starter kit features top quality products at decent prices so you can get started without breaking the bank. Everything you need is available today on Amazon.

The Golf Cigar Start Kit includes: an acrylic jar for storing cigars; humidity packs to keep cigars fresh; a travel humidor for your golf bag; a sharp V cutter; a butane torch lighter to properly toast the cigar.